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Less Is More

As automation and multi-axis robot applications sweep through the shop floor, the functions of cable and hoses become critical to overall equipment performance. At first glance, managing cables and hoses may seem simple. But in reality, underestimating cable management can be a big time mistake. Guest columnist Don Nester of igus explains why this has become such an important part of any well-functioning robot.

Stick Welding Still Has a Place in the Fabrication Industry

Many applications in the fabrication industry still require stick welding. Like other filler metals, stick electrodes are available in many types, each of which provide different mechanical properties and operate with a specific type of welding power source. Before you power up your machine and pick up your stick electrode holder, consider these basic guidelines to help simplify your stick welding experience. 

The Injury Continuum

When a worker screws up and gets hurt, organizations tend to react in one of two ways: Either they rush head long to the conclusion that the errant employee needs more training or they are resolute in the belief that the worker knew (or should have known) that what he or she did was wrong and did it anyway. While these circumstances are sometimes the case, they are far from the only possibility.

Business Ideas That Drive the Right Results

It happens every time someone says, “We’ve got to get this out now or else.” Or else what? Or else we’ll look stupid, wrong, or embarrassed? Whether it’s a product, a plan, a project or anything else, getting it right is the only test that counts.

Clearing the Air in Gas Delivery

MIG and TIG welding, plasma cutting, laser cutting or welding all require compressed gases. How these gases are stored, handled and used will determine the extent that the overall cost of these gas products impacts your bottom line. The correct gas delivery system will provide the most economical and efficient results to complement any of these applications – and the normal starting point for all of them is a cylinder of gas and a regulator. 

How to Evaluate Robotic Welding Integrators for Automation Success

Getting started with a robotic welding automation project may seem like a daunting task at first. But by breaking the project into steps and evaluating a complete solution, you will achieve success by selecting the best robotic welding integrator for your specific operations. Here’s how to do it.

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September 8 - 11, 2025
Chicago, IL