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Seven Qualities that Produce Star Performers

Is productivity destined to be the domain of a few or is possible that star performance can be achieved by looking beyond the right skill sets? It may take a combination of job competencies and certain personal qualities to drive top performance. Here’s why.

The 14 Points of Workplace Safety

By merging the engineering discipline, process control and business acumen of W. Edwards Deming to the practical world of employee protection, Phil La Duke of Rockford Greene International introduces some profound principles of worker safety that are an absolute must for manufacturers.

Call Waiting? Not For Long

Randy Pearson of Siemens Industry explains why the great news for every job shop and captive department is that communication between the machine and the plant network is faster today than ever before.

In Memoriam

As the excitement, wonder and awe of the IMTS 2012 event showcases the latest advances in metalworking technology, it is with a heavy heart that Mike Riley pauses to share the sad news of the passing of a great man.

3D Lasers and Their General Application

The many applications of 3D laser processing systems make them a useful and economical tool for manufacturers everywhere. In this primer, Frank Geyer of TRUMPF not only examines their capabilities and limitations, but shares some useful tips for challenging applications and reviews some opportunities that you may not be familiar with.

Requesting the Appropriate Level of Weld Testing for Special Order Filler Materials

Welding filler metal certification, documentation and accountability is frequently a step of the nuclear pressure vessel fabrication and military shipbuilding process. Regis Geisler of Lincoln Electric explains how to select the appropriate weld testing requirements to verify quality and attest that the products being supplied meet the constituents of the required specification.

Automation: Press Brakes and Robots

Still reluctant to automate your press brakes? Here are some reasons why it is time to rethink this while you still can, because the latest robotic automation has proven it can reduce your part costs and level the playing field with foreign competition.

Our Biggest Constraint: How We Think

You buy the same equipment as your competitors. You hire from the same labor pool. The only difference is how you think. Unfortunately, you and your competitors also think the same way. So you are left to compete in a market where, from your customers’ perspective, you’re all the same. So they make decisions mostly based on price. Dr. Lisa Lang of the Science of Business explain some of the common ways our thinking goes wrong and the negative effect this wrong thinking can have on your business.

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September 8 - 11, 2025
Chicago, IL