Grinding Machines
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Air Powered Pipe Belt Finisher
The air-powered 14360 Pipe Belt Finisher from Dynabrade is ideal for blending and finishing applications on metal, stainless steel and a variety of other materials used on pharmaceutical equipment, food machinery, railing and other metal fabrication applications.
SST and JUNKER Group Enter New Sales Agreement
SST now distributes JUNKER grinding equipment in North American markets, including the South, Southeast and Midwest.
Turbo Powered Tools Grind, Mill and Polish the Deepest Recesses of Narrow Pipes
The LRC 20 hand tool from Suhner grinds, mills and polishs the leading edges and corners of impellers or the insides of narrow pipes that previously could be accessed only with great difficulty.
Medical Machining: Machine Tools
Take a closer look at some of the newest equipment that can help contract manufacturers meet the machining, micro machining, and laser processing demands for smaller and more complex surgical implants, orthotic devices and medical instruments that are being made from newer materials – and still hold their costs down.
Radius Internal Cylindrical Grinding of Complex Medical Parts and Implants
Studer S121, S131 and S141 internal cylindrical grinding machines from United Grinding extend part production capabilities by offering more advanced technology, a new dressing concept and larger size machine to handle a broader range of workpieces.
Tube & Pipe Fabrication
Here are some of the advances in tube and pipe fabrication equipment and accessories that are now available to help shops make money while meeting demands for more complex geometries, tougher materials, faster speed and higher quality.
Flexible Shaft Machine Performs Wide Variety of Machining Operations
By simply by changing the hand piece, the Rotomax flex shaft power unit from Suhner functions as an angle grinder, straight grinder, drum polisher, belt sander, tube polisher or die grinder.
IMTS 2016: Abrasive Machining, Sawing, Finishing
Here are solutions for applications requiring high tolerance and precision surface finish, including grinding technology, sawing and cutoff machines and a variety of finishing systems, such as lapping, balancing, honing and polishing machines. You’ll also find advancements in abrasive size, shape or composite materials, and nano-materials for improved surface finishes in more constrictive areas.
Bore Finishing Machine “Laps” the Field on Productivity
The SVL-2115 automated lapping machine from Sunnen provides single setup processing of hydraulic valves, sleeves, fuel system components and other parts that are prone to distortion when honed.
Advanced Cylindrical Grinding
The double center drive system on GPD Double-Drive CNC Cylindrical Grinders from Shigiya require no setup, improve processing accuracy and reduce maintenance.
Grinding Fuel Systems, Valve and Drive Trains, Bearings, Aerospace, Medical Parts
The Landis-Bryant RU2 Fuel MGMT grinder, Landis-Bryant RU1, UL2 and UF2 grinders, and the Universal Landis Twin Turret grinding machine from Fives Landis all feature high-precision technology for grinding the most complex components.
Grinding Out Exceptional Part Surface Quality
The Kellenberger VARIA Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machine and the Usach 100-T4 CNC Grinding Machine from Hardinge each offer advanced grinding capabilities.