CEO Confidence In 2021 Economic Recovery Strengthens In September
A ‘Chief Executive’ magazine survey of more than 600 CEOs from diverse industries showed four out of five are forecasting a positive business environment by this time next year — if a vaccine is found and the presidential election goes off smoothly.
Posted: September 18, 2020
America’s CEOs are increasingly confident that the worst of the Covid-19 crisis is behind us, sparking growing optimism in their outlook for business in 2021—and also in the current economy. And while there remains a deep divide in CEO perceptions based on industry, September’s showing is the strongest for Chief Executive’s index in nearly six months.
Much of this confidence, write author Melanie Nolen, is built on two uncertainties: a vaccine for Covid and a smooth presidential election.
Chief Executive’s polling of 606 U.S. CEOs in the days following Labor Day shows confidence in current business conditions adding another 7 percent in September to reach 5.7 out of 10 on the media company’s 1-10 scale. The index is now at its highest level since March.
Read full story here.