CGTech Joins NIAR
They will help develop manufacturing protocols for automated fiber placement tape laying for aircraft systems.
Posted: June 17, 2019
CGTech (Irvine, CA) joined Wichita State University’s National Institute of Aviation Research (NIAR) to participate in the Automated Technologies Laboratory for Advanced Structures (ATLAS), which investigates the development of manufacturing protocols for automated fiber placement (AFP) and automated tape laying (ATL) for aircraft systems. “Working with NIAR will help leverage our expertise in AFP and ATL manufacturing,” said Andre Colvin, the composites product manager for CGTech. “Together with the ATLAS program, we will advance the capabilities of advanced automated composites manufacturing.”
“Partnership with CGTech enables us to develop a multi-disciplinary manufacturing environment and an engineering education program to prepare engineers and educators for the Factory of the Future and to aid the current workforce in seamlessly adapting to advancements in the workplace.,” said Dr. Waruna Seneviratne, the director of ATLAS, which provides a facility for manufacturers to research advanced manufacturing concepts using various machines, software and processing options. Wichita State recently received a $2 million grant contract from the U.S. Economic Development Association to develop and demonstrate advanced composite material manufacturing technology.
The partnership between CGTech and NIAR combines VERICUT software programming and simulation capabilities for AFP and ATL with ATLAS advanced robotics capabilities, including a thermoplastics-capable Coriolis robot and an EI AFP robot.