Centerline Recognized as Best Managed Company
They embrace innovation, seize opportunities and inspire talent.
Posted: March 16, 2016
CenterLine (Windsor) Limited (Windsor, ON) is pleased to announce that, as a winner of Canada’s Best Managed Companies program in 2013, it has again requalified in 2015 to maintain its status as a Best Managed Company. This prestigious national award is sponsored by Deloitte, CIBC, National Post, Queen’s School of Business and MacKay CEO Forums.
“Best Managed Companies embrace innovation, seize opportunities and inspire talent. They really set the bar high,” said Peter Brown, a partner at Deloitte and the co-leader of Canada’s Best Managed Companies program.
CenterLine congratulates its dedicated and talented staff for its outstanding work and commitment to excellence, as well as its many valued suppliers and customers that contribute to the overall success.
CenterLine is a Canadian-based, privately held corporation specializing in advanced automation processes and technologies that satisfy resistance welding, metal forming and cold spray application needs. It is established internationally with manufacturing and service support facilities situated in the U.S., Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Romania, India and China which help support our customer’s international operations. With nearly 60 years of business experience, they continue to develop technologies and processes that assist their customers in maintaining their competitive advantage.