Weiler Announces End User Safety Program
The program includes an on-site seminar at the customer location with employees to to ensure proper and safe use of off-hand grinding tools and consumables.
Posted: June 25, 2014
Weiler Corporation™ (Cresco, PA), a leading provider of power brushes, abrasives and maintenance products for surface conditioning, announces an end-user safety program designed to ensure proper and safe use of off-hand grinding tools and consumables.
The safety program includes an on-site seminar at the customer location with employees to address common misuses of tools such as grinding wheels, cutoff wheels, flap discs, flap wheels and power brushes. The program includes an incentive for participation.
“Tools used incorrectly can be extremely dangerous,” says David Jescovitch, the market manager, metal fabrication. “Proper use of your tools ensures personal safety, as well as gains in efficiencies and extended consumable life. Performance counts – and it starts with safety.”
The safety program is coordinated through a Weiler district manager or sales representative, who will schedule a time to visit the customer with resources for implementing the program.
Resources include safety glasses, posters, magnets, educational safety flyers and a certificate of completion. A video outlining general, safety precautions – such as keeping floors clean, maintaining proper ventilation, clearing flammable materials and wearing proper safety apparel – as well as safety precautions specific to right angle grinders, die grinders and bench grinders, will be provided to customers for review.
The safety video is also available on the Weiler YouTube channel. The safety program follows the SPOT method – speed and size, pressure, orientation and time – four factors under the operator’s control that will limit the potential for injury when using wire brushes and abrasives. Used improperly, these tools can be dangerous for the operator, coworkers and the equipment.
Customers will receive an incentive to participate in the end user safety program. Those who register for and attend the meeting with a Weiler representative are eligible, and are encouraged to take a photo of a safe practice he or she learned during the safety meeting. Upon submitting the photo and a description of the safe practice to Weiler, the customer will receive a $20 VISA card.