With the ROCKLINIZING system, new punches and dies can be protected from wear to obtain longer wear life.
Posted: November 16, 2010
The ROCKLINIZER line of equipment, manufactured by Rocklin Manufacturing Company (Sioux City, IA), consists of three models to provide impregnation and build-up capabilities of .0001 in to .007 in. By means of a vibrating, sparking electrode connected to the power source, tungsten carbide and / or titanium carbide is electronically applied to metal surfaces.
Tungsten carbide electrodes applied to high-speed steel surfaces prolongs the workpiece’s useful life and reduces wear. Titanium carbide electrodes are used to surface seal carbides to prevent chipping and have been especially successful on carbide lamination dies.
With the ROCKLINIZING system, new punches and dies can be protected from wear to obtain longer wear life. Worn and undersized punches and dies can be reclaimed by applying ROCKLINIZING to restore desired tolerances for reuse of the punches and dies. As ROCKLINIZING can be controlled in increments of deposit as necessary, cutting clearance allowance and component alignment can be taken into consideration when selecting the proper amount of electrode deposit desired.